It's been a great start to this academic year in the library.
Now that we are an Accelerated Reader school, our bookworms have been able to take their love of books and all things literary to a whole new level. As well as enjoying the worlds created between the pages and adding to their vocabularies at the same time, they are able to measure and monitor progress and work towards specific goals and targets that will prove how great for their brains all that reading is!
Each of the books in our brand new Accelerated Reader section of the library is assigned its own book level, so that students can choose books within their range and be appropriately challenged. Once they have read and enjoyed, they will sit a ten-question test on the book to show how well they understood it. Once they pass with flying colours a certain number of points (depending on the level and length of the book) will be added to their running total.

Each student has been set their own, personalised target for the term, and some are already well on the way towards meeting it! The top five students from each year group have had their names added to a special display in the library, and at the end of term certificates will be handed out to those who've made the best progress and efforts.
Well done to all our readers who are taking full advantage of this opportunity to maximise their potential by keeping their reading records up to date, reading every day and always remembering to bring in their reading book - keep it up!