Monday, 9 February 2015

Call For (Original) Submissions

It has been great to see the broad range of articles that have been coming in for the next issue of Pulse magazine, but we need more!

We would love to see well written articles on any subject whatsoever.  It really couldn’t be easier – just tell us something you know about, something you do, something you love.  If you’re doing an interesting project at school, write an article about it.  If you have a cool hobby, tell us about it.  If you have a favourite celebrity, tell us why you think they’re great.

There are no rules!  No, actually, wait, that's a lie, because there is one - just one - and this is it:


It worries and saddens us here in the library to see the number of articles we are receiving that are copied straight from the internet.  This is not smart, and it is also pretty obvious when you do it.  The internet is great, we all love it and we all accept that it has revolutionised our ability to access information.  But we need to make sure we are using it as a tool to inform ourselves, to learn about our world and to open our minds to new discoveries.  If we start seeing it as a quick fix, as a way to be lazy or as a substitute to our own creativity, we are heading down a bad road.

We in the library think Swans students are great.  They are FULL of ideas and energy and curiosity – we see that in many different ways every single day.  So show us your originality, your individuality – give us the truly unique take on the world we know you have.

Email your completely original submission for the next issue of Pulse magazine to

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Another Blind Date With a Book

Back by popular demand!  This February, the library is yet again offering readers the opportunity to go on a Blind Date with a Book.

The whole idea is to introduce our readers to a book they might never have chosen for themselves, to open their eyes to new literary possibilities.

Simply come into the library and browse our selection of mystery books, looking for someone to love them.  Check one out and take it home.  You never know, you just might fall in love with it!