Monday, 3 February 2014

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars…” (Oscar Wilde)

Tomorrow is Astronomy Day at Swans, and we will be lucky enough to host a series of talks from expert Ken Campbell, as well as having the opportunity to participate in a workshop on how to make the most out of a telescope.
Here in the Marbella region we benefit from extremely clear skies, allowing us to star gaze year round without being hampered by rain and cloud cover.  And while it´s certainly relaxing and picturesque to look up at that twinkling blanket and marvel at its mysteries, it´s even more gratifying to look at them with a little knowledge of what you are actually seeing.
Your humble librarian got this wonderful shot just the other morning of what I thought was a very bright, very large star that was still visible long after the others had faded in the morning glow.  A bit of research and a chat with some of our extremely knowledgeable science faculty led me to the realisation that this is actually Venus.  Right now we have spectacular pre-dawn views of it as it wanes in the full glare of the rising sun.  Isn´t that just out of this world?
So get ready to satisfy your thirst for knowledge about the wonders of the universe this Tuesday 4th February and make the most out of our dark Mediterranean skies.

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