Thursday, 15 May 2014

A Million Words and a Thousand Miles

Back in Book Week at the beginning of last month, we launched the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire reading challenge, daring students to read a million words by the end of the year.

There were two prizes up for grabs – one for the first form to read a million words collectively and one for the first individual.

Well, I am happy to report that this Monday, just 35 days after the launch of the challenge, 8TJ became the first form to reach their target.  Well done to them, in particular to Elizaveta Fortova and Ekaterina Fortova who contributed the majority of the words, but also to fellow contributors Olivia Sullivan, Esteban Halmi, Khalil Fakhry, Chloe Jeffery and Max Bennett. The form were delighted to learn that their reward will be a Mad Hatter's Tea Party to be held in the library next Friday afternoon during form time.  Their victory is a testament to teamwork; at the time of going to press no other form had managed to match them, but several others were getting very close and it was a hard-won contest.

First prize for individuals is currently being hotly contested with several students having passed their halfway mark.  Though there will be a first prize in this category, all students who reach the target before the end of term will have their efforts rewarded in some way, so keep reading!

When this challenge was first launched, students entered with more than a little trepidation and skepticism.  Were they ever going to get there?  Surely a million words was an unachievable target?   Staring down the barrel of it all, even I wasn't sure!  But consider that the average Young Adult novel has 50,000-70,000 words and you realise that it soon adds up, especially if, as some students have, you really put in the hours.  Even the most daunting goal can be achieved as long as you persevere, undaunted – a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Literature and life lessons from the Swans School Library!

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